Boston College uses single stream recycling, which means you can throw all your recyclables in one bin, there is no need to sort it.
About Recycling
- Glass and plastic bottles
- Empty, clean cardboard food and drink containers
- Aluminum cans: soda, tuna, etc.
- Empty, clean, plastic food containers, etc.
- Newspapers, magazines, junk mail, cardboard
Blue single stream recycling bins are distributed all around campus. Exterior bins have blue bands near the top. Maroon recycling bins are provided in all residence hall rooms.
Universal Waste
For up-to-date information on recycling batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs, mercury-containing items, contact our colleagues in Environmental Health & Safety.
Work-related personal electronics, computers and printers can be recycled by putting in a work ticket at
Ink Cartridges
Ink cartridges may be recycled at office supply stores or by returning them to the manufacturer.
For more information, download A Student Guide to Sustainable Living at Boston College.
Recycling in Residence Halls
Each room has a recycling bin and there are larger recycling bins placed at designated areas in each residence hall:
Lower Campus
Building | Location |
66 Commonwealth Avenue | Basement: Lounge outside of Chapel |
90 T. More Drive | All floors: Recycle rooms near elevator |
Edmonds Hall | 9th–1st floors: Lobbies next to elevator |
Gabelli Hall | 5th, 4th, and 3rd floors: Trash room |
Gabelli Hall | 2nd floor: Outside TV lounge |
Greycliff Hall | 1st floor: Lounge |
Ignacio Hall | 6th–1st floors: Lobbies |
Rubenstein Hall | 6th–1st floors: Lobbies |
Vanderslice Hall | All floors: Recycle rooms near elevator |
Voute Hall | 1st floor: Under center stairwell |
Voute Hall | 5th–2nd floors: Next to elevators |
Walsh Hall | 1st floor: Laundry room |
Walsh Hall | 6th–2nd floors: Trash room |
Walsh Hall | 8th, 7th floors: Next to lounge |
Upper Campus
Building | Location |
Cheverus Hall | 1st floor: Vending room by laundry room |
Fenwick Hall | 1st floor: Near the gate |
Fitzpatrick Hall | Basement: Vending room |
Gonzaga Hall | 1st floor: Kostka side |
Kostka Hall | 1st floor: Staircase next to Shaw House |
Loyola Hall | 1st floor: Study lounge |
Medeiros Hall A, B, and C | Outside: Right side, entranceways |
Shaw Hall | 1st floor: Kitchen |
Roncalli Hall | Basement: Lounge |
Welch Hall | Basement: Vending room |
Williams Hall | Basement: Vending room |
Newton Campus
Building | Location |
Cushing Hall | Basement: Laundry room |
Duchesne Hall | 1st floor: lounge |
Hardey Hall | Basement: Laundry room |
Keyes Hall | Basement at west side entrance door |
Recycling in Administrative and Academic Facilities
To request an office recycling bin, please call 617-552-0338. One will be delivered to you within a few days.
Located throughout all administrative buildings on most floors are maroon toters for mixed paper and newspapers. Each office should have a small deskside recycle basket. Custodians assigned to the first or second shifts empty the baskets as needed throughout the year.
Each office should have a small deskside recycle basket. Custodians assigned to the first shift will empty the baskets as needed throughout the year.
Every Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m., our trash and recycling company, Save That Stuff, empties the toters outside these facilities and transports the recycle load to their processing building in Charlestown. In addition, Custodians on the first and second shifts help separate cardboard from the trash.
The collected cardboard is placed in dumpsters located at Lower Dining Hall, Fulton, Service Building, McElroy, and the Law Library Dock.
Recycling in Athletic Facilities
To request a recycling bin, please call 617-552-0338. One will be delivered to you within a few days.
Located throughout all athletic facilities on most floors are maroon toters for mixed paper and newspapers. Each office should have a small deskside recycle basket. Custodians assigned to the first or second shift empty the baskets as needed throughout the year.
Every Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m., our third-shift custodians place the toters outside each building. In turn, our trash and recycling company, Save That Stuff, empties the toters and transports the recycle load to KTI in Charlestown. In addition, custodians on the first and second shifts help separate cardboard from the trash.
Special containers are provided in Alumni Stadium, Conte Forum, and all luxury boxes for use during games and special events. The collected cardboard is placed in a dumpster located at Conte Forum.